
Occupational Safety

health and safety for all

Safe and healthy working conditions are the core requirements of health and safety law and are therefore independent of management system standards, such as ISO 45001. These are mandatory for all businesses to observe, and in this, the employer and the management executives are first and foremost stipulated to comply. However, the works committee and individual employees must also make their contribution and have an obligation to observe the legislation.

Comprehensive Advice and Support

We carry out risk assessments for machines and operations, and support you in the implementation of the resulting required mitigation measures. For example, safe design of workstations, the inspection of work equipment or the preparation of operating instructions. Furthermore, we assess incidents, for example accidents and occupational illnesses, and subsequently derive effective corrective actions. Our capabilities also include establishing the effective management of hazardous substanecs as well as the inspection of your industrial premises and construction sites.

Reduction of lost work time caused by accidents and occupational illnesses

Prevention of damage to people and property following the assessment of potential dangers

Increasing the acceptance of health and safety measures through the inclusion of affected employees

Harmonisation of the legal health and safety requirements with the essential needs of an efficient value creating processes

Long term
and effective

With the implementation of these responsibilities, we are required to harmonise the legal and occupational insurance demands with the differing expectations of the managing executives and the subordinate employees, in order to find consensus. We place this challenge on ourselves daily, to promote the motivation of all stakeholders in health and safety and to establish measures that can be implemented and carried out in everyday business operations.